Elementor Hosting Review

Best Web Hosting Option

This post is an Elementor Hosting Review. Elementor has come a long way since it first launched as a free WordPress page builder 6 years ago. It has grown to lead the web with more than 8% of total websites in the world, built with Elementor and WordPress. Providing web creators with the ultimate tools for building websites visually, no code needed.

In 2022 Elementor officially launched a WordPress Hosting solution that combines everything needed to build a WordPress website: Managed Hosting + Elementor Pro Builder + Theme. All-in-one, optimized to work seamlessly with the Elementor Editor and tools.

Users no longer need to worry about managing multiple tools and services, as everything they need is provided in one package. This makes it easier and more convenient for users to build and launch their websites quickly and efficiently.

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Who is Elementor Hosting for?

Elementor hosting is a great choice for anyone looking for a hosting platform that is optimized for the Elementor website builder. If you are a blogger, small business owner, or ecommerce store owner, and you want to build a website without having to deal with the technical aspects of web hosting, then Elementor hosting is an excellent choice for you.

Table of Contents

Pros and Cons


a. All-in-one solution with Elementor Pro Built-in: The Elementor Pro plugin is an integral part of Elementor’s hosting solution, providing you $59/y worth value and more. With Elementor Pro, you can build and customize every part of any type of website – blog, portfolio, e-commerce, and more. Additionally Elementor Pro reduces your need for other professional plugins, which reduces compatibility issues.

b. Create websites seamlessly: With the Elementor hosting platform, you can effortlessly build websites in no time. No more hassles of installing Elementor or WordPress, just a single click, and you will have a new website ready to be designed and launched.

c. Top performance and uptime: Elementor’s Hosting delivers fast and reliable services powered by Google Cloud infrastructure, with a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%

d. Safe & Secure: When hosting on Elementor you can rest assured your websites are safe and secured. Elementor hosting offers free SSL, and advanced security layers such as WAFF and DDoS protection, and is fully monitored by a team of experts 24/7.

e. Affordable pricing: Elementor’s Managed Hosting offers a range of hosting plans at affordable prices. All plans also include Elementor Pro’s widgets, features and predesigned templates.

f. Great customer support: Elementor hosting offers premium customer support via email and live chat, that way, you can get your hosting, and website builder-related questions answered by one provider.


a. No phone customer support: Elementor hosting does not offer phone support, which could be a disadvantage for some users who prefer to speak with a support representative.

b. Does not provide some hosting features yet such as: FTP, file manager and emails.

The Best Hosting for Elementor Website Builder

Elementor Hosting unleashes the true power of Elementor builder, where everything is under one roof and optimized to provide the best results and seamless web creation experience of building, managing WordPress websites and growing your business.

Elementor is a Managed WordPress Hosting, optimized to work best with Elementor Pro builder and Hello theme. You get seamless updates of new features, fixes and improvements, optimized WP admin, professional hosting features, all together tailored to provide maximum performance and experience.

Top Performance & Uptime

Elementor hosting delivers excellent performance and uptime thanks to its cloud-based technology and optimization for WordPress and Elementor. The platform also provides advanced caching, Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Network (CDN), and more optimization tools to improve website speed and performance.

Elementor hosting infrastructure is powered by Google Cloud, it is scalable and allows resources to flex up or down as needed, making it a great solution for fast-loading websites. With cloud based technology, websites are always protected from server failure. Any hardware issues or resource overload will automatically trigger a smooth switchover to another server, providing an uptime of 99.9%.

Each cloud server comes with a compute power of 2 CPUs, 12GB RAM memory, and can grow up to 3 CPUs and 15GB in time of need. With cutting-edge cloud technology and Elementor’s advanced configuration, your website can scale up to 10 replicas (servers) with ease. This means you’ll have access to a whopping 20 CPUs and 120GB RAM, ensuring lightning-fast performance and smooth operation for all of your websites.

Elementor Hosting plans include

Cloudflare CDN

Using Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Network of 280+ locations worldwide, we quickly serve your cached assets from the closest location to your website visitors. The CDN works by storing website content, such as images, videos, and other static files, on multiple servers around the world. When a user visits the website, the content is served from the server closest to their location, reducing the distance data needs to travel and speeding up the loading time.

Fast SSD Storage

SSD storage provides top speed for data transfer. With no physical moving parts to slow it down, SSD is significantly faster than standard disk drives.

Advanced Caching

The advanced page caching feature uses a caching mechanism to store frequently accessed data in the server’s memory. It allows you also to control which pages to cache or exclude, reducing the need to fetch the data from the database each time a user visits the website. This results in faster page load times, which can improve the user experience and search engine rankings.

With advanced page caching, Elementor hosted websites can handle higher traffic volumes and deliver content more quickly, even during peak traffic periods. This feature is especially useful for websites with dynamic content or eCommerce stores that require fast loading times to improve sales and conversions.

Elementor Pro Builder Performance Features

With Elementor integrated, you get to enjoy different tools for performance improvements such as Lazy loading, different image sizes for devices and more.

Page Loading Test

In order to accurately test and simulate the significant impact that our Elementor hosting performance-related features have on websites in real-life scenarios, we conducted tests using tools to compare core web vitals. 

To achieve reliable results, we used a testing website created with an Elementor full website kit, which includes features such as inner pages, video backgrounds, maps, pop-ups, and more. The results are remarkable:

Elementor Web speed

By activating the new Advanced Caching feature, we were able to achieve impressive results across all Core Web Vital metrics, leading to a significant reduction in page loading times:

Time to First Byte (TTFB): Decreased from 2.4 seconds to just 53 milliseconds.

First Contentful Paint (FCP): Decreased from 2.7 seconds to 372 milliseconds.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Decreased from 3.1 seconds to 893 milliseconds.

Time to Interactive: Decreased from 3.6 seconds to 1.1 seconds.

Professional Hosting Features

Elementor hosting offers a range of features that make it an excellent choice for website owners. These include a user-friendly interface, automatic backups, one-click staging environments, free SSL certificates, CDN, WordPress installation and so much more:

WordPress & Elementor pre-installed

WordPress and Elementor are pre-installed automatically every time you start a new website, enabling you to create websites seamlessly, and fast.

Staging Tool

With staging you can easily create a duplicate of your website in a separate environment, where you can make changes, test new features, and troubleshoot any issues without affecting the live site. This can help to prevent any errors or downtime on the live site and provide a more streamlined website development process. When you’re happy with the results of your changes, you can copy, or push, the changes you made on your staging site to your live website.

Custom Domain Connect

Easily connect your custom domain to your website. This feature allows you to use your own domain name with your website, giving you a professional and unique online presence. Connecting a custom domain is a simple process, with step-by-step instructions provided by Elementor hosting.

Email Domain Connect

Once you’ve connected your custom domain, you can connect your domain name to your website’s triggered email. With this feature, you can use your own custom domain name for your email address, such as info@yourdomain.com, which helps to establish a strong online brand presence.

Auto Daily Backups

Enjoy a peace of mind knowing that your website is always backed up and secure. Our hosting service includes an automatic daily backup feature that ensures that your website’s data is always safe and easily restorable.

The daily backup feature runs automatically in the background, so you don’t have to worry about manually backing up your website. In the event of a website issue, you can quickly and easily restore your website to a previous version with just a few clicks.

On-Demand Backups

The on-demand backup feature provides an additional layer of control over your website’s data. With this feature, you can manually create a backup of your website at any time, ensuring that you have a current copy of your website’s data that can be easily restored in the event of an issue.

This feature is particularly useful if you’re about to make major changes to your website or if you’re testing new features, as it allows you to create a backup before you make any changes. This ensures that you have a safe and secure copy of your website’s data that you can revert back to if needed.

Friendly Management Dashboard

The Elementor hosting management dashboard is a centralized hub that provides you with complete control over your websites. The dashboard allows you to quickly access and edit your websites, and easily navigate between Elementor and WordPress seamlessly.

With the dashboard users are able to manage their subscription and use Elementor hosting tools such as: Custom domain, backups, staging, team collaboration and more. The management dashboard is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with all the tools and features you need to manage your website in one convenient location. running backups/restore, transferring websites, and more.

Team Collaboration Tools

Elementor hosting allows you to collaborate better with your team by inviting them to access and edit the website, allowing them to contact support, leave notes on the editor and the front end of the website, and then transfer the subscription to your clients to deliver a project.

Site Cloning (coming soon)

Elementor hosting will soon introduce a new site cloning feature that allows website owners to quickly and easily create copies of their websites. This is particularly useful for website owners who want to create a test environment or a staging site to test changes or updates before pushing them live.

With the site cloning feature, website owners can create a copy of their website with just a few clicks, and then make changes and updates to the cloned site without affecting the live site. This feature is included in all of Elementor hosting’s plans, making it accessible to all users, regardless of their level of expertise. Overall, the site cloning feature is a powerful tool that can save website owners time and effort when managing their websites

Migration Tool (coming soon)

The Migration tool is a powerful feature that enables web creators to effortlessly transfer their website from one host to Elementor. With just a few clicks, you can easily migrate your entire website to Elementor Hosting without experiencing any downtime or losing any data.

This tool is designed to simplify the migration process, making it easy for users of all technical abilities to seamlessly move their website to Elementor hosting. The migration process is automated, eliminating the need for manual data transfer and configuration.

First to get Elementor Pro features and updates

With Elementor hosting, you’ll always be one step ahead when it comes to updates and fixes for your website. When hosting and building on Elementor, you’ll be the first to get all the latest updates.

This means that you’ll benefit from the latest updates and features as soon as they’re released, giving you a competitive edge in the online marketplace. Our team of experts work tirelessly to ensure that your website is always running at peak performance, with the latest updates and fixes applied seamlessly and automatically.

And of course, Elementor Pro builder is included, offering you a wide range of powerful Widgets, features, templates and blocks.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Elementor offers a range of security features to protect websites from cyber attacks. It is based on Google Cloud Platform, providing the same level of world class performance and protection that Google uses for its own products. You get maximum security with extra integrated layers of protection against malicious activities, and being monitored around-the-clock by Elmentor’s team of experts.

All Hosting plans include:

Cloudflare SSL Certificate: With a pre-installed and activated SSL certificate, we protect your online transactions and keep your customer data safe using end-to-end SSL encryption.

DDoS Protection: You get Cloudflare’s DDoS (Distributed Denial of Services) to guard your site from malicious flooding of unwanted traffic.

WAFF (Firewall) Protection: We block malicious traffic with extra WAF rulesets, giving your website the best safeguards possible.

24/7 Monitoring: Elementor’s team of experts are fully monitoring the infrastructure to make sure your websites are safe and secured, and get mitigated in time of need.

Next Generation HTTP/3: Elementor hosting supports encrypted HTTPS, and speedier SSL handshakes, making your website faster and more secure.

Auto Daily Backups: you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your website is always backed up and secure. Our hosting service includes an automatic daily backup feature that ensures that your website’s data is always safe and easily restorable.

Site Lock: Site Lock also prevents search engines from discovering your site. This way your SEO score won’t be affected unnecessarily, allowing you to freely work on your website.

Premium Support for Hosting & Elementor Pro

Elementor hosting offers premium customer support via email and live chat. Their support team is knowledgeable, friendly, and always ready to help. One of the greatest benefits is that once you create a website using Elementor hosting- you get support for both of your hosting and website builder in one place, saving you tons of time and headaches. Elementor also has a knowledge base that contains articles and tutorials that website owners can use to troubleshoot issues on their own.

All Hosting plans include:

  1. 1-Stop Support for Hosting and Building: Instead of trying to get help from different providers you get one excellent support time that will guide you through and help you with any type of challenge regarding hosting and building your websites, saving you time and money.
  2. 24/7 Availability via email and live chat: Elementor’s support team is available 24/7 to assist with any questions or issues regarding hosting and building, via multiple communication channels, including live chat and email, so you can reach out quickly and easily. Plus, support is available to both site owners and team members, everyone can benefit from expert assistance.
  3. Fast and efficient: Elementor’s customer support team is committed to providing fast response times and timely solutions to ensure that you can keep your site running smoothly.
  4. 5 Star reviews: Users are loving Elementor support and highly ranking the quality and efficiency of the service.

Elementor also offers a free first time 1-on-1 call to get more familiar with the platform with an expert and provides great value for creators who need a jump-start to get started.

More Than Just a Hosting- It’s a Website Creation Platform

Elementor hosting platform provides a seamless experience for building websites with WordPress, even for beginners. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a new website. The platform is optimized to create websites in no time allowing users to easily navigate between Elementor and WordPress, without a hassle.

The platform offers a user-friendly interface that allows web creators to quickly start new websites, quickly edit and easily manage their sites and subscriptions. Using the hosting dashboard users can quickly access their websites and use Elementor’s hosting tools such as staging, cloning, custom domain and more. Support chat is also available and quick access to help resources.

Elementor Websites


Elementor hosting offers 4 different options of Managed WordPress Hosting plans to suit different needs of web creators and budgets. Elementor’s plans start at $9.99 per month for the first year, and go up to $49.99 per month for the most advanced plan. The plans vary in the amount of resources, websites and features, and each plan also includes Elementor pro licenses according to the number of websites in the plan.

Breakdown of Elementor’s managed hosting plans:

  1. Basic– the ‘Basic’ hosting plan includes 1 website, Elementor Pro ($59 value), 10 GB SSD storage, monthly bandwidth of 30 GB, and it’s great for up to 25,000 monthly visits.
  2. Business– great for WooCommerce websites that need boosted resources, the ‘Business’ plan includes 1 website, Elementor Pro ($59 value), 20 GB SSD storage, monthly bandwidth of 50 GB, and up to 50,000 monthly visits. It also includes a staging tool and 2 team members.
  3. Grow– this plan offers 3 websites, Elementor Pro ($99 value), 25 GB SSD storage, monthly bandwidth of 75 GB, and up to 75,000 monthly visits. It also includes a staging tool and 4 team members.
  4. Scale– great for web creators who offer their services to clients, this plan offers 10 websites Elementor Pro ($199 value), 40 GB SSD storage, monthly bandwidth of 100 GB, and up to 100,000 monthly visits. It also includes a staging tool and 6 team members.
Elementor pricing

Elementor Pro Website Builder- Included!

Elementor Hosting plans are unique as they include Elementor Pro plugin as part of the offer. Every Elementor hosted website comes with the Elementor Pro Builder plugin pre-installed, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of all Pro widgets, features and library, and build fully responsive, pixel perfect websites, no coding needed.

Elementor Pro unlocks the ability to fully manage and customize every part of your website and minimizes the need for more plugins. You’ll receive a comprehensive package that includes Theme Builder, over 90 widgets, more than 300 kit templates and blocks, and a WooCommerce store builder. In addition, you’ll have access to professional marketing tools like Pro Form and Pop-up builders with native lead collection.

Elementor Pro also enables you to build content-rich and dynamic websites using features like loop builder and dynamic content. With Elementor Pro, you also have the flexibility to build your own custom listings. In addition, you get greater control over your website as you can add custom CSS, code, fonts, icons, and integrations, among other features.

Take your website to the next level with advanced design capabilities and make your website stand out using Elementor’s pro features and tools:

Drag & Drop Editor

The Editor is built to facilitate any design you’d like to achieve with full control over the page layout. You can drag any number of containers to the canvas and lay them out to achieve the desired page structure. Into each of the Containers, you can drag any of the widgets to add content, and design it down to the last pixel.

Theme Builder

Control every part of your website and manage it easily, from headers to footers, archive pages and article pages to your custom content loops.

90+ Pro Widgets

Get all Pro and Core widgets to build the design and functionality you need for your website.

Library of 300+ of pre-designed kits, templates and blocks

Gain access to hundreds of professionally designed Kits, templates and blocks available and customize to your needs to get your website ready in no time.

WooCommerce Store builder

Expand the customization options of standard WooCommerce with Elementor’s WooCommerce Builder. Create professional, ecommerce storefronts with intuitive, drag and drop editing and no need for custom code.

Form builder

Elementor’s Form Builder is an intuitive interface, even for beginners, that allows you to create any type of form based on your website needs. The Form Builder is used in Elementor’s drag and drop interface, and doesn’t require any code or prior experience.

Build impressive forms that drive sales and integrate your favorite marketing & CRM tools.

Pop-up builder

Elementor’s Editor enables you to build sophisticated popups with the intuitive drag & drop interface. Create popups using any of the 100+ widgets to build and design your popup to match your brand, use advanced motion effects and settings to make them stand out. 

Then, display your popups on your website as a lightbox, full screen splash, side, top or bottom banners, without having to embed a template or install another plugin. Any of the popups you create are fully responsive, and can be adjusted further to ensure they are optimized for any device.

Loop builder

Gain complete freedom to design your archive pages any way you’d like using the Loop Builder. Create a Main Item Template using any of Elementor’s widgets and use the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel widgets to display your post or custom post type listings on a page in a grid, or carousel format.

Landing Page Builder

Elementor’s Landing Page Builder empowers you to create beautifully designed landing pages in a flexible and intuitive editing interface, without the need to code. Additionally, it is fully included in Elementor, so it comes with no added cost, and you are not limited with the amount of pages you can create or the number of visitors you can have. 

That way, you can plan and execute successful campaigns, sell products, collect leads, and run remarketing campaigns with no added cost.

Advanced motion effects and interactions

Add motion and animations to create an engaging website experience

Dynamic content anywhere

Design your website and populate the content using Elementor’s Dynamic Widgets and Tags.

Marketing Integrations

Seamlessly integrate with your favorite marketing and CRM tools. From social networks to email marketing software, Elementor has the complete set of integrations for your business.

Custom Code and CSS

Add your own CSS or Code snippets around your website to unlock even more design and functionality capabilities using Elementor.

Custom Fonts

Upload your custom fonts and use them across all text widgets in Elementor

Collaboration Tool – Notes

Leave comments directly within the Editor or front-end when working together with your team or clients.

Don’t forget about ‘Hello’ Theme!

Hello Theme is Elementor’s official theme and 100% tailored to Elementor. It’s light-weighted, lean and pre-installed on each hosted website to provide you the most seamless creation experience with Elementor website builder:

  • Loads in 1/4 Second: The theme loads in the blink of an eye, giving your users a positive experience on your website.
  • Only 6 KB: Requiring only 6 KB of resources, this theme is significantly lighter than most other themes.
  • Dazzling Performance: With minimal requests sent to the server, visitors will be impressed at how fast your responsive website runs.


In summary, Elementor hosting is a solid choice for anyone who wants to build professional websites using the Elementor website builder. The platform offers excellent performance, top of the line security, and customer support, providing users with an unmatched WordPress website creation experience. 

While there are some limitations in terms of non-Elementor plugin integration and phone support, overall Elementor hosting is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and optimized web creation platfor