Assuming you have the idea and the motivation to start the journey, the next step is to make the decision.
The late Myers Munroe told us that the greatest wealth is in graveyards – some of that wealth is PhD research that was never done because those who had the ideas and the motivations never decided to get onto the journey.
lt is not enough to want the PhD, you must also “hunger for it” (Les Brown) – of course, with motivation as the driving force.
l have spoken to many people – one of them has been talking about doing her PhD for the last 25 years. If the talk was a song, she would have broken the charts. But she has never, not even one day, walked into any university to find out whether her subject is being offered.
benefits of Making the PhD decision
lf you have the idea and motivation, quickly make the decision – time is not on your side. This act of making the PhD decision offers numerous benefits:
1. Reduces anxiety and stress
Any indecision can be incredibly stressful. Making a decision removes the weight of uncertainty and allows you to move forward.
2. Increases control and agency
Taking control of your choices will empower you. You become the architect of your PhD, shaping your experiences and outcomes.
3. Fosters growth and learning
The decision to start the PhD presents a learning opportunity. You will gain valuable insights into your preferences, values, and decision-making process. You will also learn from your mistakes and refine your decision-making skills overtime.
4. Boosts confidence
Making the decision to start the PhD will build confidence in your ability to make sound judgments and navigate life’s challenges, depending on your motivation.
5. Encourages action
Making the decision will require you to take action. For example, you will start looking for universities where you can study. This may lead to new experiences, opportunities, and personal growth.
6. Reduces procrastination
Indecision can lead to procrastination and missed opportunities. Making the PhD decision may help you break a cycle of indecision and encourage you to take action.
There are many other benefits – but they depend on individuals.
Remember, the act of making a decision, regardless of its size or importance, empowers you, reduces stress, and fosters personal growth.
a) If you have not started your PhD journey, is it because you have not decided?
b) A few years from today, what will you say about making or not deciding about your PhD journey?
c) Considering a PhD is a process, not a paper, and many developed countries benefited (and still are) from research, do we need more PhDs in Africa?
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