Terms of Use 


Please read these terms and conditions to use this website. It is a vital consideration for and a condition of allowing you access.

Reading and accepting the terms of use agreement and the provisions of this website’s privacy policy are required considerations for the website granting you the right to visit, read, resell, transact, process payments for, or interact with it in any way. By visiting this website, you acknowledge that all terms of use have been transmitted. Any and all agreements, representations, promises, warranties, actions, or statements by the visitor that differ in any way from this agreement shall be given no force or effect.

All persons are denied access to or use of this site unless they read and accept the terms of use and the privacy policy.

By viewing, visiting, using, transacting payments on behalf of, or interacting with this website as a reseller, intermediary, affiliate, customer, merchant service provider, publisher, advertiser, or any other interaction whatsoever, you agree to all the provisions of this terms of use policy and the privacy policy of this website, including any changes to this agreement or additional policies incorporated by reference that the website may make in its sole discretion in the future.

All persons under the age of 18 are denied access to this website. If you are under 18 years of age, visiting, reading, or interacting with this website or its contents is unlawful. This website specifically denies access to any individual covered by the Child Online Privacy Act (Copa) of 1998.

This website reserves the right to deny access to any person or viewer. Under the terms of the privacy policy, which you accept as a condition for viewing, the website can collect and store data and information for exclusion and many other uses.

The terms of the user agreement may change from time to time. Visitors have an affirmative duty to keep themselves informed of changes as part of their consideration for permission to view this website.


Visitors, viewers, users, subscribers, members, affiliates, resellers, or customers, collectively referred to herein as “Visitors,” are parties to this agreement. The website and its predecessor websites owners and/or operators are parties to this agreement, herein referred to as “Website.” Visitors understand and acknowledge that this agreement overrules and supersedes all Visitor’s agreements with the Website, including but not limited to Visitors’ electronic website terms of use, privacy policy, or other legally binding contracts located on Visitors’ website.

The website at this moment rejects all visitor electronic agreements, including but not limited to Visitor Terms and Conditions. This agreement shall govern all parties. In the event of a dispute with the Visitor, the Website shall be governed by this agreement and the applicable default rules and laws, which shall be settled in binding arbitration or a court of law at the Websites choice in the jurisdiction of the Websites choice.

All agreements, representations, promises, warranties, actions, or statements by the Visitors website or other proposed agreements that differ in any way from the terms of this agreement shall be given no force or effect. All visitors, including resellers, intermediaries, affiliates, joint venture partners, publishers, advertisers, online marketers, and all users that visit or access this website in any way, shall be subject to mutual release. Any contracts or agreements are not permitted to be terminated for any reason without the website’s mutual written agreement and permission.


Unless you have entered into an express written contract with this website to the contrary, visitors, viewers, subscribers, members, affiliates, or customers have no right to use this information in a commercial or public setting; they have no right to broadcast it, copy it, save it, print it, sell it, or publish any portions of the content of this website. By viewing the contents of this website, you agree to this condition of viewing, and you acknowledge that any unauthorized use is unlawful and may subject you to civil or criminal penalties.

Again, the visitor has no rights to use the content of, or portions thereof, including its databases, invisible pages, linked pages, underlying code, or other intellectual property the site may contain, for any reason whatsoever. Nothing. The visitor agrees to liquidated damages in the amount of $100,000 besides costs and actual damages for breach of this provision. The visitor warrants that they understand that accepting this provision is a condition of viewing and that viewing constitutes acceptance.


The website and its contents are owned or licensed by the website. Material contained on the website must be presumed to be proprietary and copyrighted. Visitors have no rights whatsoever to the site’s content. Use of website content for any reason is unlawful unless done with express contract or permission of the website.


Unless expressly authorized by the website, no one may hyperlink this site or portions thereof (including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding, or copyrighted material) to theirs for any reason. Further, you are not allowed to reference this website’s URL (website address) in any commercial or non-commercial media without express permission, nor are you allowed to ‘frame’ the site. You expressly agree to cooperate with the Website to remove or de-activate any such activities and be liable for all damages. You now decide to liquidate damages of US$100,000.00 plus costs and actual damages for violating this provision.


The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website. Visitors assume all risks of viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. Unless you have otherwise formed an express contract to the contrary with the website, you have no right to rely on any information contained herein as accurate. The website makes no such warranty.

Every effort has been made to represent this product and its potential accurately. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write a check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples and testimonials in these materials cannot be interpreted as promises or guarantees of earnings. Earning potential depends entirely on the person using our product, their ideas, and techniques.

This product is not a business opportunity and only provides advice and training about Internet and search engine optimization. This is a new product and system, and as such, there is no history of earnings from its use. We do not track the actual payments of users of our product, as the same would violate the user’s trade secrets and confidential or proprietary information. The information on this site is our experience with the product. If you want to share your experience, let us know.

Disclaimer for harm caused to your computer or software from interacting with this website or its contents. The visitor assumes all risk of viruses, worms, or other corrupting factors.

The website assumes no responsibility for damage to the computers or software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to the visitor’s computer. Again, visitor views and interact with this site, banners, pop-ups, or advertising displayed thereon at their own risk.


Visitor download information from this site at their own risk. Website makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes, including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.


By viewing, using, or interacting in any manner with this site, including banners, advertising, pop-ups, and downloads, and as a condition of the website to allow his lawful viewing, the Visitor forever waives all right to claims of damage of any description based on any causal factor resulting in any possible harm, no matter how heinous or extensive, whether physical or emotional, foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether personal or business in nature.


The visitor agrees that if he causes damage, which the Website is required to pay for, the Visitor, as a condition of viewing, promises to reimburse the Website for all.


The visitor agrees that any communication between the Visitor and the Website is deemed a submission as a condition of viewing. All submissions, including portions thereof, graphics contained thereon, or any of the content of the submission, shall become the exclusive property of the Website and may be used, without further permission, for commercial use without additional consideration of any kind. Visitor agrees to only communicate that information to the Website, which it wishes to allow the Website to use in any manner it sees fit. “Submissions” is also a provision of the Privacy Policy.


No additional notice of any kind for any reason is due to the Visitor, and Visitor expressly warrants an understanding that the right to notice is waived as a condition for permission to view or interact with the website.


As part of the consideration that the Website requires for viewing, using, or interacting with this website, the Visitor agrees to use binding arbitration for any claim, dispute, or controversy (“CLAIM”) of any kind (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) arising out of or relating to this purchase, this product, including solicitation issues, privacy issues, and terms of use issues. If the Visitor is the prevailing party, the Visitor shall bear the cost of its attorney fees. Website reserves the right to litigate Visitor in a court of law in the jurisdiction of Website’s choice.

In no case shall the viewer, visitor, member, subscriber, or customer have the right to go to court or have a jury trial. Viewer, visitor, member, subscriber, or customer will not have the right to engage in pre-trial discovery except as provided in the rules; you will not have the right to participate as a representative or member of any class of claimants about any claim subject to arbitration; the arbitrator’s decision will be final and binding with limited rights of appeal.

The other party shall reimburse the prevailing party for any and all costs associated with the dispute arbitration, including attorney fees, collection fees, investigation fees, and travel expenses.


Suppose any matter concerning this purchase shall be brought before a court of law. In that case, pre-or post-arbitration, the Viewer, visitor, member, subscriber, or customer agrees to the sole and proper jurisdiction to be the state and city declared in the contact information of the web owner unless otherwise specified here. If litigation is in a federal court, the proper court shall be the federal court of the website’s choice.


Refunds can be requested by contacting customer support by clicking on the link in the website’s footer, unless otherwise stated in the offer.


Viewer, visitor, member, subscriber, or customer agrees that the applicable law to be applied shall, in all cases, be that of the state of the Website listing in our contact information.


You can reach us using the contact page HERE