The pursuit of a PhD starts with an idea. That idea stems from certain motivations. Motivation is critical because it will keep you on course, and many times it dictates what the PhD holder does after graduation.
PhD Motivations
Teaching at the university is not the only motivation. Here are some other motivations…
1. Intellectual curiosity
Humans are born curious – look at a small child; the moment they open their eyes, they want to find out things… Some people channel that curiosity into academics. This may lead to:
a. A deep and binding passion for a particular subject.
b. A strong desire to delve deeper into a specific area.
2. Career goals
Every person has career goals – to advance. The idea of a PhD can be because of a –
a. Desire to advance in one’s career, especially if a PhD is a prerequisite for specific jobs or promotions, particularly in academia (teaching and research), research-oriented industries, or government positions.
b. Belief that a PhD will enhance career prospects and open doors to new opportunities.
3. Personal growth
We all desire personal growth and perhaps a PhD can help us do exactly that because of a –
a. A desire to develop advanced research and critical thinking skills.
b. A personal challenge to push intellectual boundaries and achieve a significant academic milestone.
c. Opportunities to engage in independent research and develop their own unique perspectives.
4. Social impact
Humans are social animals. Maybe the idea for a PhD may be from a –
a. Desire to contribute to society by addressing important social or environmental issues through research and innovation.
b. Belief that research can have a positive impact on the world.
5. Funding Opportunity:
PhD studies can be expensive in terms of time, money, and opportunity cost. Adequate funding can mitigate most of the other costs. A PhD idea can be because of the availability of:
a. Scholarships
b. Business windfall
c. Inheritance
6. Family History
Some families are academically oriented with parents or relatives with PhDs. Following suit is the most logical thing. ln other families, few people have higher education certificates, and the only person who gets the opportunity goes all the way to the PhD level.
7. Personal Actualisation
Personal fulfilment comes from many things. To some people, a PhD will give them a spiritual high.
8. Global Changes
The world is dynamic and presents opportunities daily. As the world transitions into the AI era, climate change, and global conflicts, some individuals may choose to adapt and pursue a PhD in a variety of subjects.
Note that these are just some of the many reasons individuals choose to pursue a PhD. Specific motivations will vary depending on the individual.
a. lf you have a PhD, what was your motivation?
b. If you are undertaking a PhD, what is your motivation?
c. lf you want to pursue a PhD, what is your motivation?
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